
TOP 10 Reasons to Study in Australia

Australia has emerged as a popular destination for higher education because of its strong educational infrastructure, a high quality of life, and relatively lower expenses.

Australia has both government and private Universities that offer to programs called “Under Graduate”, and after graduation courses called “Graduate Programs or Post Graduate”.

The most popular courses of study for international students have been in the fields of Business, Administration and Economics, followed by Science, then Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

In general the time duration of a

Graduate Certificates =6 months,

Master = 1 year,

Master Honor = 1.5 year,

Doctorate = 2 years.

However these degrees are not measured by time but by subjects/ courses taken, therefore depending on how may subjects courses they do per semester, it may impact the time it takes to complete them.

Most of these post graduate courses however, do have a time limit to Complete.


Types of Programs and Qualifications

  • Undergraduate
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Bachelor Degree (with Honors)
  • Undergraduate Diplomas
  • Associate Diplomas
  • Postgraduate
  • Masters Degrees
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Graduate Diplomas
  • Graduate Certificates

As per the official site for Australian Education, The student visa has seven separate sub-classes for each education sector. You should apply under the visa sub-class for your principal course of study.

Student visa sub-classes
Subclass 570 Independent ELICOS
for international students undertaking ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) as a stand-alone course, and not as a prerequisite to commencing another course (for example, a degree course)

Subclass 571 Schools
for international students undertaking ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) as a stand-alone course, and not as a prerequisite to commencing another course (for example, a degree course)

Subclass 572 Vocational and technical education (VTE) sector
covers Certificate I, II, III and IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma.

Subclass 573 Higher education
covers a Bachelor degree, Associate Degree, Graduate Certificate, and Graduate Diploma

Subclass 574 Postgraduate Research
covers a Masters degree by coursework or by research, and a Doctoral degree

Subclass 575 Non-award
covers foundation, bridging or other courses that do not lead to the award of a degree, diploma or other formal award

Subclass 576 AusAID or Defence sponsored
covers full-time study undertaken by AusAID or Defense students sponsored by the Australian Government.

General requirements (Check ‘Applying for a Student Visa’ on Form 1160i)

you are of good character
you are of sound health

you have acceptable health insurance through the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for yourself and members of your family unit accompanying you to Australia. you have no outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia, or have made arrangements acceptable to the Minister to repay such a debt. Where you are under 18 years of age, acceptable arrangements for your accommodation, support and general welfare are in place


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