Australia FAQ

How do I get an Australian student visa?
We have a dedicated department whose sole responsibility is to help our student visas. We will provide you with the Australian student visa form, as well as a detailed document requirement list. We will counsel you on what documents will be needed. Once we receive the completed Australian student visa application form, and the relevant documents, we will lodge your application with the Australian High Commission as long as WE are satisfied that under the current Australian student immigration law, your application complies.

Will there be any fees for the services provided by Victoria?
Most of our services to students are free. We will guide you in course selection and admission. To find out more about how we can help you, please visit our Study in Australia section or visit physically.

How do I apply for a course?
The first step towards studying in Australia is to Contact Victoria. We will then provide you with a questionnaire to complete and use this information to review your academic and personal needs to assist you in selecting suitable study options.

Where is Australia located on the world map?
Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere of the globe. It is known to be the down under land due to that.

When should I apply to study in Australia / when do courses start?
You should apply to study in Australia as soon as possible, ideally 5 months prior to commencing your course. However, for some courses it is possible for the application and visa process to take less time than this. In general, University courses starts in February each year, a number of Universities also offer a mid-year intake in July. VET courses generally have two intakes a year, February and July and a number will also offer April and September intakes.
• if any of the information on the test report form has been altered e.g. band scores, photo, id numbers etc.
• if an IELTS test report form is genuine.
This ensures that only genuine IELTS test report forms are accepted. Presenting a fake or altered test report form can have serious consequences for candidates.
Canada FAQ

Can I visit my own doctor for my medical?
No, Citizenship and Immigration Canada only accepts medical exam results from a Designated Medical Practitioners.

What can I do to speed up medical processing?
Set up your appointments as far in advance as possible. You could provide the examining physician with a pre-paid courier envelope for submission to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Some students will not require a medical. It depends on your places of residence over the year immediately prior to your application.

Will I require health insurance while I am in Canada?
International students are required by law to carry health insurance coverage. Though it is not possible to obtain an insurance policy from outside Canada, a plan should be secured within the first week of a student’s arrival. Each province administers its own public medical and health insurance plans, though some private and supplementary plans are also available. However, even if in instances where provincial coverage is available to international students at no cost, they must register with the health insurance authority in the province to ensure they are in fact covered. Your university/college should be able to advise you on this matter. Most major educational institutions have their own insurance plan for international students and will help you register and pay fees on arrival.

Are international students eligible for scholarships?
What financial assistance is available to international students? Yes international students are eligible for some scholarships. The majority of scholarships available are for Masters or doctoral students. See the Awards section.

What is the duration of various courses in UK?
Diploma is generally 1-2 years duration, Bachelors degree is 3-4 years duration, Masters is generally one year duration(Exception:15 months MBA in some case & Physiotherapy is mostly 2 years duration) & PhD is 3 years duration.

What is the temperature of UK?
The United Kingdom has a temperate climate, with plentiful rainfall all year round. The temperature varies with the seasons but seldom drops below -10 °C or rises above 35 °C.

What are the various courses available in UK Institutes?
There are various Diploma,Degree as well as Post Graduate & research programme available in UK in various stream like medicine, law, accountancy, architecture and other professions; or in the arts, media, humanities, business, science and technology.

Please tell me something about UK?
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is governed by a parliamentary system with its seat of government in London, the capital, but with three devolved national administrations in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively.